
beach scene at Lego exhibition

A Lego Exhibition – things to do with kids 4

Are your kids like mine?  The mere mention of Lego and they run. Lego the worlds third largest toy manufacturer has been building little plastic interlocking blocks for almost 60 years.  It’s ability to let your child’s creative imagination run free and where nothing is wrong is just marvellous. I mean Lego is just awesome!  You’ve […]

Perths’ Kings Park Playgrounds 8

We are enveloped by the Australian native bush of Banksia, Tuart and Jarrah trees.  We could be anywhere hundreds of kilometres from town, yet we are literally on the city’s door step.  We are in Perth’s Kings Park. Kings Park is one of the largest inner city parks in the world at 4.06km² or 1003 hectares, that’s larger […]

playground at Kings park ivy watson