Travel Medical Kit Packing List

An essential first-aid medical packing list when travelling with kids.

It is best if you take a few basic medical supplies on a family holiday, as sadly at some point, if only in a minor way, someone will get sick or injured. It is far cheaper and easier if you have some supplies with you, than trying to source them in a foreign place.

Some of these items are precautionary; who wants to get sick when travelling?

My Travel Medical Kit to Pack for Kids:

A travel packing checklist for taking a medical first aid kit for kids.

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Make sure you buy age appropriate items.  each of these are available in baby, toddler and children versions.

  • children’s paracetamol
  • children’s antiseptic cream
  • kids bandaids
  • children’s vapor rub
  • children’s sunscreen
  • children’s insect repellant
  • teething relief (if you have babies)
  • aqua ear
  • any additional medications (don’t forget to take a copy of the script).

My Travel Medical Kit for the Family:

A travel packing checklist for taking a medical first aid kit for the whole family.

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  • paracetamol
  • antiseptic cream
  • band-aids
  • sunscreen
  • insect repellent
  • immodium (for upset stomachs)
  • non refrigerated pro-biotic (to prevent the upset stomach)
  • any additional medications (don’t forget the copy of the script)

Remember when travelling in a foreign place:

Always drink bottle water – use this to clean your teeth as well.

For young babies you may want to boil the drinking bottled water for drinking and sterilising bottles.

For more packing lists click HERE

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