Travel Tips for Road Trip with Kids 4

So the family is going on a road trip with kids.  Whether it’s long haul or a day trip you need to be organised and have a few goodies packed in the car.

You need my list of road trip tips to have an easier journey with your baby, toddler or child.

Tips for road trips with kids:

  • Check your car before you leave such as the tyres and oil or get a service.
  • Have road side assistance.
  • When hiring a car don’t for get to order car seats.  Either hirer them from the car rental or a baby hire service.
  • Try to arrange to travel during nap times.
  • Ensure side windows have sun shades.
  • Allow decent breaks for toddlers and young children.
    • Find a park/beach for scheduled stops.
    • However if buying lunch ensure to get that before going to the park.
  • Consider a lap table for older toddlers and children for colouring and other games.
  • Consider a portable DVD player or E-Tablet for older children.
    • Don’t forget to pack the chargers.
  • Play games whilst on the road.
    • Eye spy.
    • Number plates.
    • How long to next town.
    • 20 questions.
    • Granny went to market and bought…..
    • Motorway snap (choose colour and model of car).
  • If anyone suffers from motion sickness stop frequently, open windows and encourage them to look outside.
  • Set goals.  For example at the next town we will stop for an ice cream, choose goals that work for your family.
  • If you are going on a long trip find a schedule that works for you eg.
    • Head off as soon as you wake.
    • Stop for breakfast and encourage play.
    • 2nd leg and stop for morning tea and more play.
    • 3rd leg and stop for lunch and more play.
    • 4th leg and plan to arrive to your destination in the late afternoon.  This will allow more time for you to relax, get organised and settle for dinner.  Remember driving on country roads at night can be dangerous.
      • This is only a suggestion you and your family will find what works best for you.
  • Expect hiccups along the way and keep a sense of humour.

Now don’t forget to check out what you need packed in the car.

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