Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Awards 20

What is the Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Awards, you ask?

Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award recognizes the unique voices of women bloggers around the world.

Oh another one of those bloggy award things, you think.

Well I like these blog award posts because:

  1. I get a feel good buzz about being nominated (who wouldn’t).
  2. I get to ask questions to learn more about some fellow bloggers.
  3. I get to discover some new blogs that I didn’t know existed.

So thanks to Fairlie from Feet on Foreign Lands you are going to now learn a little bit more about me and then discover 10 great blogs.

But before we get going let’s just cover the rules:

  •  I must acknowledge the blogger that nominated me
  •  Answer her 10 questions
  •  Nominate 10 worthy bloggers
  •  Ask them 10 questions.

Now it’s time to discover a bit more about me.

Fairlie’s Questions

  1. What was the first blog post you wrote?

It was about 6 months after I initially set up the website which at the time just consisted of static pages with travel tips (there still there across the green navigation bar).  I had just learnt that writing blog posts was the way to get readers and so wrote Sydney with a Toddler – I hope that my writing has come a long way since then.

  1. Have you ever had a brag-worthy upgrade travel experience?

No not really but earlier this year I was offered my first sponsored accommodation review.  Whilst we had to pay for our airfares to Bali we were then provided with meals and accommodation at the Grand Mirage Bali Resort and their sister hotel Samabe Bali Suites and Villas for 5 nights.

  1. Is there anywhere you would never, ever, in a million years return to?

On the French coast along the English Channel there is town called St Malo.  My girlfriend and I stayed in the most revolting filthy hostel, the beaches were not nice and the people the least friendly I have ever encountered.

  1. What’s the top three destinations or experiences on ‘your list’?

I would love to visit:

  • Russia,
  • Travel on the Siberian Rail and see
  • Cuba before it becomes westernised now that it is open to American tourists.
  1. What do you enjoy most in other people’s blogs or social media feeds?

I love discovering new places to visit and stay.  I’m also reading quite a few posts about SEO to learn about how to improve my blog.  I think blogging (whatever you blog) about is about helping and educating others.  Even the personal blogs let others know they are not alone in the world with an issue.

  1. What type of carry-on luggage do you have and what’s in it?

I have a small roller bag.  It is filled with snacks and activities for my son.  Plus a book and magazine for me.  My camera and laptop are also in our carry on for safety reasons.

  1. What’s the first thing you do when you get to a new destination?

The first thing I do is unpack (we are usually staying for a week or 2) it helps me to feel relaxed and settled.  Then my son is chomping at the bit to hit the pool.

  1. If you could pick anyone (dead or alive, and other than your usual travel companions) to sit next to on a long-haul flight, who would it be?

Personally I would rather have an empty seat.  Even before I had a child I always end up with someone who wants to have a chat next to me.  I just want to be left alone to read or watch a movie.

  1. What is your most popular blog post?

In the last 12 months my most popular blog post has been Phuket with Kids.

However overall my most popular blog post is Kota Kinabalu with Kids.

  1. What makes a memorable moment for you?

Usually something unexpected happening.

For example, when my girlfriend and I were backpacking around Europe over 20 years ago she got appendicitis.  We still retell the story of catching trains literally just after she got out of hospital.  We board the train (she is limping and I have 2 large backpacks on – one in front and one on my back) we start walking down the narrow aisle looking for our compartment only to discover we are going the wrong way.  I cannot turn around due to the luggage on my front and back.  I keep hitting the walls – it is like a scenery from a comedy farce.  My friend is doubling over laughing and in pain trying not to split her stitches.

You may or may not be laughing, but I am sitting here writing this with a huge smile on my face at the memory.

Basically memories are more wonderful if you share them with special people in your life.

sisterhood of world bloggers

Trafalga Square – London
Prior to the appendicitis mishap.

My 10 Nominated Bloggers

Check out these great bloggers they write some fantastic stuff and they’re not all just about travel.

  1. Amanda: Hot Mama Travel
  2. Anne: PreTraveller
  3. Cathy: Mummy Travels
  4. Chloe: Life Unexpected
  5. Erin: Travel with Bender
  6. Holly: Four around the World
  7. Kirsty: Smarter Happier
  8. Pam: Hey Miss Adventures
  9. Rhianna: Rhianna Writes
  10. Steph: Stephs Joy

My 10 questions

  1. What is your blog about?
  2. Why did you start writing your blog?
  3. What is your most recent blog post?
  4. What do you like to do on your family holidays?
  5. Where do you like to stay when you are on a family holiday?
  6. What do you wish you had known before your headed off on your first family holiday?
  7. What is your “must have item” in your suitcase?
  8. What have you learnt works really well for you, when you are on a family holiday?
  9. If money was no object what would be you ideal family holiday?
  10. Where was your first ever holiday, how old were you?

sisterhood of world bloggers

I hope you’ve enjoyed learning a little bit more about me and have discovered some great new blogs.

Also don’t forget to pop over to Fairlie from Feet on Foreign Land and say Hi.

What do you like (or not like) about these blogging awards?

Tell me in the comments.

Linking Up With:

About Sally-Ann Brown

I am Sally-Ann the author of Toddlers on Tour. I am a wife and mother who has always had a passion for travel. I love sharing my experiences and lessons learned to help you have a better family holiday or day trip. Read "All About Me" under the "Home" tab to discover my story and what lead me to here.

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