Travelling to Bali with a Toddler – August 2010 5

Our second trip with our son was to Bali, he was 2 1/2years old.

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It was odd that we chose to go to Bali as we are “not Bali people”.  However during one of our random discussions I pointed out that many people go to Bali as it is so close to Perth – only a 3 hour flight.  With that comment it was decided that in 6 weeks we would go to Bali with a toddler.

A point here; if you leave it to the last minute to travel you end up paying more.

We chose to stay in Nusa Dua as it is out of the hustle and bustle of Kuta and we wanted a relaxing holiday by the pool.  We chose the Grand Hyatt: we wanted luxury and they catered for young children.  We decided to fly Garuda Airlines: they had just revamped the airline and their flight times were better suited to travelling with a 2 year old.

Again I prepared Lewis for the flight, that we would be sleeping at a hotel, Mummy and Daddy would be there with him.  I also bought snacks, formula and some small toys.

Departure Day

We were up at 4am.  We packed the car then took Lewis straight out of bed and into the car. We parked the car in long term parking then went and checked in for our flight.  Next I took Lewis to change him.  We then followed our pre-flight routine; duty free, coffee and making Lewis run as much as possible.

The flight to Bali was only 3 hours and I must say I felt quite good when the other passengers disembarking commented to us how well behaved Lewis had been on the flight.

We arrived at our resort and were greeted with a welcome drink and a beautiful view across the resort to the ocean.  Our room was big with a lovely view out onto the lush green gardens and lagoon.

There was a day bed were Lewis would spend his time playing when we were in the room, they had also supplied us with a cot and baby products.

Rooms at Grand Hyatt Bali come with baby products

Our room

That night we discovered the Bali Collection Shopping Complex.  It was directly across the road from the resort.  The complex had a supermarket, souvenir shops, department store, clothing outlets, day spas, and lots of various restaurants.  This was were we spent most evenings; it was close, safe and easy to navigate with the pram.

Foot Fish Spa in Bali

Getting a foot fish spa one night

Our Days in Bali

The days were always hot, sunny and humid.  We started them with the delicious buffet breakfast at the resort served by the friendly staff who would always remember Lewis by name.  Then it was off to the pool for a couple of hours in the morning.

The pool at Grand Hyatt Bali in Nusa Dua

The lagoon pool

We would locate a couple of lounges under the shade of the Hibiscus trees and then make our way into the lagoon pool which was about chest deep, perfect when you have to carry a child around in the pool.  However it wouldn’t be long before Lewis would be demanding a trip down the water slide.  This wore both Lewis and Steve out every day, Steve would hold Lewis for the trip down the slide.

the water slide at Grand Hyatt Bali

The water slide

Eventually hunger would return and we discovered after the first day that it was worth paying the extra $5 for a pizza by the pool than getting dressed and walking to Bali Collection, only to return all hot and bothered.

In the afternoons Lewis would need a nap (and so would Steve).  This became my quiet time to have a coffee, watch a movie, read a book or hit the day spas across the road.  One thing we learnt was you can still do the things you want you just have to work around your child.

Exploration Day

After a couple of days friends of ours from Perth arrived in Bali.  They are regular visitors to Bali and own a villa.  They organised a driver and took us out for the day.

We started at a warehouse in Seminyak where they supply souvenirs and house wares.  Unfortunately (or maybe fortunately for Steve) I was not prepared for such a range of house wares (cushion covers, place-mats, table runners etc.) and therefore did not buy very much.  I now wish I had bought more as they were so cheap.

We then went into Kuta.  It was so busy, hectic and the exhaust fumes.  The shops were crowded and the queue to pay was ridiculous.  The markets by the beach were not much better with tacky tops and dresses.  Plus it was so hard to get about with a pram.  Let’s just say – Kuta is not for me.

Fortunately the day ended on a high with a drink and meal at a “restaurant” on the waters edge up in Benoa.  Later we walked around to see our friends villa.  It was 2 storey with 3 bedrooms and 3 bathrooms and their own private unfenced plunge pool.

Back at the Resort

The next day Steve woke to a bad stomach.  We learnt always eat only freshly grilled food in Bali.  Fortunately Lewis and I stayed well.  Lewis lived on a diet of hot chips and snacks that I had brought from home.  Steve recovered a day later and we were back to fully enjoying our days by the pool.

Bali with a toddler

All too soon the trip was over and we caught the late night flight back to Perth.

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About Sally-Ann Brown

I am Sally-Ann the author of Toddlers on Tour. I am a wife and mother who has always had a passion for travel. I love sharing my experiences and lessons learned to help you have a better family holiday or day trip. Read "All About Me" under the "Home" tab to discover my story and what lead me to here.

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