Tips for Travelling with a Cold 16

This post is sponsored by Fess

I don’t know how we manage it, but just about every time we are about to go on a family holiday at least one of us has come down with a cold.

As a result I have learnt a few tricks when travelling with a cold especially when you travel with kids.

My Tips for Travelling with a Cold (with kids)

Pack Medications

I always pack a medical kit  when we travel and now have learnt to include a few extra items for colds.

travelling with a cold


Fess is a saline solution that comes for babies or kids.  It is fast becoming one of the favourites for colds in our household.  My son has been quite lazy when it comes to learning to blow his nose and he really finds that a squirt of Fess helps loosen the mucus and he can have his nose cleared in moments.

Little Coughs

Usually with a cold comes a cough.  So I often include some cough mixture.  The Little Coughs syrup is free of preservatives, colours and flavourings – as a mother I like the sound of that – and it helps ease the cough.

Little Eyes

Colds also cause eyes to get watery and gunky.  Little Eyes wipes are gentle hypoallergenic towelettes designed to gently wipe away this residue.  I think it is just handy to have a gentle face wipe for your baby, toddler or child.


I also pack paracetamol for a  headache and/or fever that goes with the cold.

Vapour Rub.

If the cold goes down into my child’s chest then the Vicks vapour rub for babies or kids really helps him to breathe easier through the night, resulting in a better nights sleep for everyone.

Drink Fluids

With runny noses, sneezing and coughing the body is loosing a lot fluid so make sure your kids drink lots of water.

When we are in the car for a road trip or day out I always have a water bottle placed next to my son.

travelling with a cold

When we fly I pack an empty water bottle in our hand luggage to fill after we have gone through security.  Most airports now provide a drinking fountain in the secure area (though not Bali airport).

If you are travelling with a baby or toddler and want to take sterilised water just pack your bottle in your hand luggage/nappy bag and declare it as you go through security.  To date I have not heard of anyone having bottles for babies denied.

Stop the Spread of Germs

If you haven’t left home with a cold then there is a good chance you might catch one especially if you are flying with kids.

travelling with a cold

Try and reduce the spread of germs wash hands regularly, especially if you have been into the toilets to help the kids

Pack hand sanitiser wipes or gel and get everyone to use them before they eat.

If your do catch a cold then use tissues for sneezing and coughing helping to prevent you from passing it on.

travelling with a cold

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I hope these tips for travelling with a cold help you to travel easier with a cold whether you have kids or not.

What do you do when you travel with a cold?

  • DISCLOSURE: This post was sponsored by Fess

About Sally-Ann Brown

I am Sally-Ann the author of Toddlers on Tour. I am a wife and mother who has always had a passion for travel. I love sharing my experiences and lessons learned to help you have a better family holiday or day trip. Read "All About Me" under the "Home" tab to discover my story and what lead me to here.

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