How to Wash Clothes when Travelling 22

The product for this post has been supplied by Scrubba Wash Bags

Keeping your clothes fresh and washed while travelling is always a struggle.

20 years ago when I was backpacking I had to hand wash my clothes in a communal sink nightly, when I went camping for some reason I always end up with dirt all over me, and now I travel with kid(s) – he never stays clean.  I am forever having to do a spot of hand washing to ensure those chocolate and tomato ketchup spills don’t stain.

As a result I have discovered some great products to help with laundry when travelling.

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Gadgets to Help Wash Clothes when Travelling

1  Travel size detergent

When I first went backpacking I took a bar of laundry soap, this was great as it lasted for ages.  Then I discovered a travel size liquid detergent – but the lid broke off after 2 uses.  So now I make up my own travel size liquid detergent, or if you prefer laundry powder pop some in a zip lock bag.

wash clothes when travelling

2  The Scrubba Wash Bag

The Scrubba Wash Bag is a new product on the Australian market.  It is said to be like a portable washing machine.

wash clothes when travelling

I love its:

  • Easy to follow instructions
    1. add cloths detergent and water
    2. seal bag
    3. massage bag for  a couple of minutes
    4. rinse clothes twice in bag
    5. hang on the line
  • I don’t have to put my hands into the soapy liquid
  • I don’t have to carry a separate container for laundry or use a communal sink
  • That the water is all contained and I am not spilling water all over me and the floor
  • The bag does the scrubbing for me with its wash board like material (makes it much easier as I have carpal tunnel)
  • It is compact to include with my handy things to pack when travelling

3  The pegless clothesline

When I first went backpacking 20 years ago I was given 2 pegless clotheslines, ever since I have been using them when I travel.  They are not only handy for hanging up the hand washing but also for hanging out wet bathers.

Scrubba also make one which is included in their Wash and Dry Kit

wash clothes when travelling

4  Sticky lint roller

The thing with packing clothes when you travel is that they all end up on top of each other and they get lint all over them.

This little sticky roller will have them looking pristine in moments.

wash clothes when travelling

5  Sewing Kit

However you won’t look pristine with a button missing or hem hanging down.  So pack a sewing kit in your checked luggage for those last-minute fix ups.

wash clothes when travelling

So do you like the sound of that Scrubba Wash Bag?

Would you like one?


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About Sally-Ann Brown

I am Sally-Ann the author of Toddlers on Tour. I am a wife and mother who has always had a passion for travel. I love sharing my experiences and lessons learned to help you have a better family holiday or day trip. Read "All About Me" under the "Home" tab to discover my story and what lead me to here.

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