How to make your toddlers feel at home on holiday

We have all been there before, you bring your teeny tiny offspring on a lovely holiday away that you have been planning for months.

You are excited, thinking the whole family will enjoy it and it breaks out into absolute hell because of unhappy children.

Toddlers need routine and familiarity in their lives. There is a way to combine this with the unknown surroundings of a holiday to make an easy, relaxing holiday for your little one and also you. Preparation is key!

Travel tips to help you plan for your family holiday and help the kids feel more relaxed and at home whilst on vacation

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1. Familiar Games

Travel tips to help you plan for your family holiday and help the kids feel more relaxed and at home whilst on vacation.

Play board games
Image credit: Pixabay

For those moments of downtime such as waiting in the airport or early mornings in the hotel, having familiar games at hand is a great way to make them feel more a home.

If you do not want to haul the more costly games you have, just head over to one of your local garage sales to pick up a cheaper second-hand version or a similar alternative.

2. Opportunity to make friends

Travel tips to help you plan for your family holiday and help the kids feel more relaxed and at home whilst on vacation.

Make friends
Image credit: Pixabay

One of the best ways to distract your toddler from feeling homesick is to surround them with children of a similar age.

Being able to make friends and play in entirely new surroundings makes them feel happy and relaxed. The hardest part of your holiday will be tearing them away from their newfound friends at the end.

3. Bedtime companions

Travel tips to help you plan for your family holiday and help the kids feel more relaxed and at home whilst on vacation.

Take snuggle friend
Image credit: Pixabay

Fighting with a toddler to get them to sleep can be a nightmare at any time. On a holiday where the weather, bedding, room and surrounds might be different, you can’t expect them to relax so easily.

Bringing along their bedtime cuddly toys or a blanket is a small consideration that makes a big impact.

4. Slow down the pace

Travel tips to help you plan for your family holiday and help the kids feel more relaxed and at home whilst on vacation.

Schedule in play time
Image credit: Pixabay

Try not to pack lots of activities into every hour of the day. Although this may work for you, a jam-packed day is going to exhaust your child. This makes for a tired and cranky toddler at the end of it.

Try to space things out. Intermittently integrate action into your holiday and avoid angry children. This makes for a less stressful holiday for the whole family.

5. Choose your accommodation wisely

Travel tips to help you plan for your family holiday and help the kids feel more relaxed and at home whilst on vacation.

Choose the right accommodation for your family
Image credit: Pixabay

When looking at accommodation, a house swap or an Airbnb could be a great low-cost and more homely option.

Make sure to look for a family home with children of a similar age. That way, you have a home that is toddler-proof and is already stacked with toys and bedrooms designed for children.

Taking your toddler away for a much-deserved family holiday can be a memorable experience you can document forever.

Of course, the expression “toddler tantrum” is there for a reason. You can minimise these by making your little ones feel as comfortable as possible.

This way, they will embrace the new experiences and you will enjoy the holiday even more.

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