Travel Packing List for Adults / Parents: a Checklist 2

This travel packing list for adults will get you started for creating your own checklist.

Packing List for Adults

The Packing List for Adults when Travelling:

  • Clothing and shoes: I know that sounds obvious, but you can click HERE for a full list of ideas.
  • Toiletries (click HERE for a full list).
    • If you are travelling with older children remember many of these items can be shared eg. toothpaste, shampoo, and hairdryers
  • Medications and basic medical supplies (click HERE for a full list).
    • Don’t forget to take a copy of your script and/or letter from the doctor and naturopath for vitamins.
  • Travel documents, passports and copies.
  • GPS, maps, and travel guide books.
  • Electronic gadgets:
    • Smart phones
    • E-Tablet and/or Laptop
    • E-books can save space and weight.
    • Camera and memory cards
      • Don’t forget the chargers and
      • Power board now that we take so many items that require charging.
  • Reading material and games
    • Kindle (or similar)
    • Novels
    • Magazine
    • Playing cards.
  • Glasses:
    • Reading
    • Sunglasses
  • Special activity gear:
    • Swimming gear (click HERE for a full list)
    • Skiing equipment
    • Hiking gear

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